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- 3 questions you need to ask yourself every night
3 questions you need to ask yourself every night
Practical questions for a more fulfilling life.
What would you say if I asked you, “On a scale of 1-10, how happy and fulfilled do you feel in your life?”
The average answer is 6.8.
That means most people are settling for just above average happiness.
Do you want to live your life feeling 6.8/10 happy?
I believe we can feel much better than that.
And after reading books on personal development, the science of happiness, secrets of the millionaire mind, and how to experience “happy money” — I’ve determined there are three questions that we should all ask ourselves every day.
And by asking yourself these questions at the END of every day, you skip the whole “setting intention” step and go right to the part where you’re holding yourself accountable.
Most of us are so busy getting through our day-to-days that we don’t notice how fast our life is passing by until we have those moments of,
“Where did the last year go?”
We often focus our energy on what we think we “should” be doing instead of asking ourselves if we’re even happy about who we’ve become.
Asking yourself these three questions every evening forces your brain to constantly think about if your life is moving in the direction you actually want it to. So, this doesn’t have to feel like work — when you start implementing this, it actually feels exciting.
Let’s start slowly becoming the happiest versions of ourselves.
Today is Day 1.
1. “What am I grateful for today?”
Before you scroll past this with an eye roll and a “Yeah yeah, I’ve heard this before” mindset — stop right there. Because those of you who were tempted to do that need to hear this the most.
Let me say that again: those of you who think you can skip over gratitude practice are the ones who probably need it the most.
Getting your brain in the habit of being grateful is life-changing because it shifts your mindset from focusing on what you lack to appreciating all that you have.
And no matter what’s happening in your life right now, I can promise you that you have much to be grateful for.
Do you have a roof over your head, and a blanket to sleep under?
Did you eat food today?
Do you have a body that you’re able to move freely?
Do you have people in your life who care about your wellbeing?
If you Googled “successful people who practice gratitude” you’d find a long list of famous names that you know — and it’s no coincidence that these big shots all talk about this.
Many ultra-successful people practice gratitude every day because it…
enhances your mood
allows you to see more clearly
improves your ability to make decisions
keeps you feeling motivated, and
helps you stay grounded and focused, even when things get challenging.
Stop “knowing” that you should be grateful, and start practicing it. It is the most mind-altering practice that will actually change your life — if you let it.
2. “What did I do today to move closer to my goal(s)?”
People spend years talking about the things they’re going to do, and then decades pass with no progress made.
I can’t tell you how many people I’ve spoken to who are in their 60s and say things like,
“I’ve always wanted to quit my job and work for myself—just haven’t done it yet.”
And now here they are at 64 years old, trying to find a side hustle so they can enjoy their life more.
Whatever age you’re at today, take this as your sign to start holding yourself accountable to the goals you have for your life.
Asking yourself this question at the end of every day forces you to confront the progress you’re choosing to NOT make.
If your goal is to get back in shape, or rekindle your romantic relationship with your spouse, or start freelance work because your job doesn’t “light your fire” — stop telling yourself you’re going to do it. Start today.
The smallest step of progress is infinitely better than standing still and complaining.
3. “How did I positively impact someone else’s life today?”
You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction before — the most talked-about of the 12 Laws of the Universe. But the FIRST law is called the Law of Divine Oneness.
Maybe you don’t consider yourself to be a “spiritual” person, but I encourage you to open your mind to this for a second here. Understanding the universal laws gives you a framework for how the world operates, influencing every aspect of our lives.
They help you understand how your thoughts, actions, and energy shape your reality.
This first law states that everything in the universe is interconnected. Every person, animal, plant, and molecule is connected to every other thing.
So, when you’re asking yourself this third question tonight, remember that it really just comes down to you treating others how you would want to be treated.
Did you choose to speak to someone with respect and kindness, even if you felt irritated?
Did you make an effort to understand someone’s point of view before judging it?
Did you pick up a piece of trash on the sidewalk, as you would have if it had landed on your own lawn?
The energy you put out toward everything around you is the energy you’ll receive back. And the smallest actions can absolutely positively impact someone else’s life today.
You are more powerful than you think—and you can use that power to uplift others, which then lifts you up too.
Don't settle for a life that's just a 6.8 out of 10.
The path to a more fulfilling life starts with accountability and reflection. By asking yourself these three questions every night, you're doing both.
Commit to your growth, celebrate your progress, and make each day a step towards becoming the happiest version of yourself. The power to change your life is in your hands.
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growing every day
to become your ideal self
and making this life an exciting adventure
through business, fitness, and relationships
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