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- Read this if you ever feel like you need a life guide!
Read this if you ever feel like you need a life guide!
If so many successful people follow this, why not us?
12 Laws of the Universe: Your Key to Happiness and Success
You work hard and try to stay positive — but sometimes you just feel lost.
Me too. But I’ve noticed something in all my research of highly successful people…
A lot of these really successful people talk about the 12 Laws of the Universe.
I’ve been researching these topics, and figured I’d share this “sacred” knowledge with all of you.
Whether or not you consider yourself a spiritual person, learning the 12 laws of the Universe will help you understand the world around you.
Before you assume this is some hippie mumbo-jumbo, here’s a list of successful people you’ve heard of who practice this:
Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Ed Mylett
Drake, Will Smith, Kanye West
Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Graham, Billie Eilish
Lady Gaga, Post Malone, Beyonce
Jim Carrey, Christiano Ronaldo, Conor McGregor
I can keep going, if you want…
(Here’s a video if you want to hear some of these people talking about these principles).
Let’s break down these 12 laws in simple, inspired idiots language — and how you can use them to create the life you daydream about.
Are you listening now?
The Law Of Divine Oneness
The Law Of Vibration
The Law Of Action
The Law Of Correspondence
The Law Of Cause And Effect
The Law Of Compensation
The Law Of Attraction
The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy
The Law Of Relativity
The Law Of Polarity
The Law Of Rhythm
The Law Of Gender
It’s not clear when or where these laws come from — some documents say they originate in ancient Hawaiian cultures, others say ancient Egypt.
In short: these laws have been around for a long, long time and continue to be practiced today.
1. The Law of Divine Oneness
Everything in the universe is interconnected. Every person, animal, plant, and molecule is connected to every other thing.
What it means: Each thought or action you put out into the world sets off a series of events, even if you don’t see them.
How to use it: Treat everything the way you want to be treated. Speak to others with kindness.
Practice gratitude for everything you have around you, and use the Thought Energy Check exercise from last week to practice keeping a positive energy.
2. The Law of Vibration
Every object in the universe, no matter how big or small, vibrates at specific frequencies, in constant motion — including you. Our thoughts and emotions also have a vibration and we can use this vibration to attract or repel things into our lives.
What it means: This universal law works like a mirror. If you set your vibration on happy feelings, you create more joyful experiences. You will, in turn, draw cheerful people and experiences into your life.
How to use it: Your thoughts, feelings, and actions put out a certain vibration out to the universe, and those vibrations shape your life.
So, ask yourself, “What kind of energy do I give off?”
Do you think you emit a positive energy to those around you?
Whatever it is you’re looking to get more of in your life (confidence, positivity, financial abundance) — once you start practicing the feeling of having those things, you’ll find they slowly start coming to you.
3. The Law of Action
For every action, there is an equal reaction. Your actions must align with your desires.
What it means: Visualizing your dream won’t make it appear at your doorstep — we must actually do something to make it happen.
There is no such thing as a “pointless” action when it comes to pursuing your dreams.
How to use it: Visualize what you want in your life, and ask yourself, “Am I doing anything right now to actually make this happen?”
If your goal is to have an amazing relationship with your ideal partner, start by visualizing what qualities that person would have. Then take action.
Sign up for a dating website.
Go enjoy a drink at a bar by yourself.
Put yourself in environments where you think your ideal partner would hang out.
4. The Law of Correspondence
The way we experience the world is a reflection of our inner state of being and we can change our experience of the world by changing our thoughts.
What it means: Nothing in the outer world will change without you making changes in your inner world.
If you feel that there’s more negativity in your life than positivity, it could be because you keep a negative outlook on your life.
How to use it: Use the Thought Energy Check to become more aware of your inner beliefs. Pay attention to your thoughts and words for three days, and ask yourself, “Are my thoughts more negative, or more positive?”
5. The Law of Cause & Effect
Nothing is by chance or coincidence, and there is a reaction for everything you do.
What it means: Ever heard of karma? “What goes around comes around” ?
Your actions have created the life that you know today.
How to use it: You must change your actions if you want to get different results.
If you’re unhappy with how your body looks or feels, ask yourself, “What would a physically fit person do that I am not currently doing?”
If you find yourself in the same recurring arguments with your partner, ask yourself “Is there something I can do differently to stop this cycle?”
If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, start by learning what habits successful entrepreneurs have, then take those actions.
6. The Law of Compensation
Closely related to the previous law, this one states that the energy, effort, or love you put into the universe will return to you, often unexpectedly.
What it means: What you give, you receive back. If you perform acts of kindness, you’ll notice that you receive more kindness back. This also applies to negative emotions.
(Ever had one of those grumpy days where it feels like everything is going wrong and the world is just shitting on you? Hmmmm…)
How to use it: Your job is to start acting in ways that are likely to bring you the results you desire. You might not see the results immediately or in the way you expect, but the universe always brings you more of what you already are.
If you want someone to hire you for a writing position, write them a solid piece and send it to them for free.
7. The Law of Attraction
We attract into our lives the people and experiences that are in alignment with our thoughts and feelings.
What it means: You attract beliefs, people, events, feelings, and actions that have the same energy as you.
How to use it: Focus on keeping a positive energy by using “mind tools” like visualization and affirmations.
Visualization: Whatever your big goal is right now, visualize yourself achieving it.
How will you feel?
How would you celebrate the milestone?
Who would you celebrate with?
The more you see it in your mind, the more positive energy you build around that dream.
Affirmations: Instead of allowing negative self-talk to creep in, change your mental script and choose to assume the positive.
This isn’t going to work → I believe that I’m capable of making this work.
She won’t like this → I see the benefits in this, so I can help her see them too.
I’m pissed that I didn’t workout today → I’m excited to go to the gym tomorrow.
8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Energy is constantly changing and transforming, and we can harness this energy to create positive change in our lives.
What it means: If you’re feeling down, you can transmute that negative energy by engaging in an activity you love or practicing gratitude.
By changing your energy, you change your experiences.
How to use it: Whenever you encounter something that initially makes you feel negative, challenge your mind to find the positive.
Missed your bus? Maybe that bus will get a flat tire, and I’m meant to catch the next one.
Dude at the gym took your machine? He probably didn’t know I was using it. On to the next!
9. The Law of Relativity
Our experiences of the world are subjective, and there is no one “right” way to see things because our perception of reality is shaped by our experiences and beliefs.
What it means: Every situation, challenge, or experience only has as much significance as you give it. What feels like a big deal to you would be totally unimportant to someone else.
How to use it: Anytime you’re feeling upset about something, imagine someone who’s in a much worse situation.
Let’s say you’re having one of those Why does everything happen to me? moments because you sprained your ankle.
Instead of dwelling in self pity, imagine someone who’s just lost their leg in an accident, and imagine how much they’d wish to have your sprained ankle.
10. The Law of Polarity
Everything in the world has an opposite. Where you find good, you can also find evil, and where darkness exists, the light also exists.
What it means: Understanding this law helps you appreciate the balance and completeness in life. It also aids in navigating life’s ups and downs.
How to use it: The next time you’re experiencing something negative (rejection, loss, struggle), remind yourself that every negative experience brings some form of positive outcome.
And, sometimes, without the negative — we would never arrive at the positive.
11. The Law of Rhythm
Everything has a rhythm and this rhythm influences our lives. Our experiences are influenced by natural cycles of life.
What it means: Like the tide ebbs and flows, seasons change, and the day turns into night, your life follows a natural, rhythmic cycle.
How to use it: Remember that you’ll have seasons of abundance, and seasons of struggle.
When you feel yourself struggling, remind yourself that this season will pass.
12. The Law of Gender
Everything has feminine and masculine (yin and yang) energy. All of our experiences are influenced by the balance of masculine and feminine energy in our lives.
What it means: Regardless of our physical gender, we all have masculine and feminine energy in us.
Masculine = DOING, taking action, planning, feeling driven.
Feminine = BEING, creativity, allowing, feeling receptive.
How to use it: There are times in your life where you’ll tap into your masculine energy by being more assertive, and other times when you’ll be more open and receptive.
As you find a balance between these two energies, you increase your productivity.
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…or does he?