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- Use these 3 tips to get WAY better at making money.
Use these 3 tips to get WAY better at making money.
3 thriving entrepreneurs agree on what you should focus on.
Advice You Should Hear if You’re a New Entrepreneur

1. Mentorship > College
Whether you relate more to Nic, the 6-figure ghostwriter, Sabah, the multi-6-figure personal branding queen, or James, the 8-figure agency owner — all of them agree that getting coached / mentored is the better bang for your buck.
Nic, Sabah, and James have all invested their money into courses, programs, and/or coaches.
Nic : “Because the smartest way to become successful at something is to find someone who’s already successful at it, and learn from them.”
Sabah : “When you work with a coach or mentor, you’re investing in learning skills that are going to serve you for your entire life. I paid my first coach $34,000 because there was something about her I wanted to be.”
James : “When you do something with help from the experts who have walked the path you want to walk, it not only goes faster for you … but ends up being cheaper in the long term.”
2. Consistency Conquers All
All three of our interviewees spoke a lot about how the biggest mistake people make in online business is throwing in the towel too quickly.
Nic : “Most people are new at something and then they quit. If you solve a specific problem for a specific niche and you commit to it for one year — you will be ahead of like 85% of businesses!”
Sabah : “The number one thing people struggle with is staying consistent in the beginning. Set an alarm to remind you to post on social media every single day. Make it a habit to tell people what you do, and I promise you — people WILL start coming to you.”
James : “People don’t commit to their own success. Around 70% of people who invest in a course never even start it. Improving your skill is what will grow your business — and the only way to improve is to stick with it and commit to learning as you go.”
3. Being a Generalist Will Keep You Broke
Why do experts earn more than interns? Because people will pay a lot more for someone who knows exactly how to solve their problem. And the first step on that path to expertise is knowing exactly who you’re solving a problem for.
In other words: know who your ideal client is, and focus on how you can provide a ton of value to that client.
Nic : “If you don’t specialize in one thing, you are hindering your growth. Seriously — pick one niche and become obsessed with it. Then, find where people are looking for your expertise and charge a premium to solve a problem with your knowledge.”
Sabah : “If you have a skill people want and you deliver it in a way they feel connected to, they won’t need to be convinced to work with you. So, you need to know what kind of person you’re trying to connect with.”
James : “A biz owner will only pay you if what you earn for him is greater than what you charge him. Focus on knowing exactly who you want to work with, provide them with real value for their money, and keep improving so you can charge more.”

Nicolas Bueno
Your business only grows as much as you grow. I know people who grind their business into the dirt by obsessing over technical skills — while it’s actually their limiting beliefs bottlenecking their growth.
Example: a lot of people will look at what a person is promoting and call it “scammy salesy stuff” — but that information that someone discards is the same information someone else uses to become a millionaire.
I’ve invested a lot of my profits back into my business by doing courses and paying for mentorship to help me keep evolving.
I took Dakota Robertson’s ghostwriting course and joined Nicholas Cole’s Premium Ghostwriting Academy program. I hate paying taxes, so I like reinvesting my money back into my professional growth.
Find a mentor that resembles something that you admire and follow how they did it.
Check out the full article on Nic here.
Sabah Ali
Having an amazingly authentic personal brand is a must for anyone who wants to grow a life-changing business, but it’s not JUST about brand. We have to make sure that what you’re trying to do is actually profitable.
Is there actually a market for it?
The four big niches that have a TON of money-making potential are:
Helping people make money
Helping people with health
Helping people with relationships
Helping people with mindset.
Check out the full article on Sabah here.
James Bonadies
High-ticket VS. low-ticket.
Let’s just do a little bit of basic math here.
If you sell something for $4,000 and your goal is $40,000 per month — you’ll need to sell 10 of them per month.
If you’re selling something at $400 per month, that’s now 100 sales you have to make this month.
And I know some of you are going to say,
“But James, it’s harder to sell someone on a $4,000 price than it is to sell a $400 price!”
No. It’s not. Quite the opposite, actually.
The effort required to make 100 sales is more than required to make 10.
This is why it’s important to just focus on improving your skills and getting great value for your clients — so you can charge high-ticket.
When getting to a $40,000 / month, I’d rather make 10 sales than 100 sales.
Envision the number of sales you need.
Check out the full article on James here.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

Marlee from Montreal spotted last week’s hidden logo in the “you” of James’ “I promise something will change in you” quote image!
Marlee is renovating her new house almost entirely by herself. Brave woman!