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- Start taking responsibility for your thoughts.
Start taking responsibility for your thoughts.
This is the #1 reason why people fail.
Most of us don’t realize how self-sabotaging our thoughts can be.
We’re taught to speak to others with respect and kindness, but we’re rarely taught to treat ourselves the same way—even though our lives are impacted WAY more by the thoughts and words we have about ourselves.
And, tragically, most of us choose really negative thoughts that keep us stuck where we’ve always been.
But here’s the thing: you have complete control over what you allow yourself to think.
And it’s time to start taking responsibility for why your mind works the way it does…
and why your life is what it is today.

I’ll give you some examples of the kind of language I used to use…
“She/he made me feel…”
“I wouldn’t trust myself to…”
“I can’t….”
“With my luck, [insert bad outcome] will happen.”
“It’s not my fault. It’s because of….”
Some of you might think that those don’t seem SO bad, which means you probably need to hear this even more.
All stem from the same limiting belief: that I am powerless over my own life and that external forces control my thoughts, feelings, and outcomes.
That, my friends, is called a victim mentality—and it is the most disempowering mindset we can choose to have.
No one on this Earth can make you feel something that you don’t already feel.
No one enters your brain and inserts thoughts there.
You choose what thoughts you want to keep thinking, and how you want to move forward from here—no matter what’s happened to you so far.
When you tell yourself that you are where you are because of something or someone else, you’re giving away your power and sabotaging your chance of ever truly achieving what you want.
Your thoughts can move you forward, or they can hold you back.
Either way, it’s time to start taking responsibility for them.

Just like I listed above, I want you to think about some thoughts or words that you often say. Let’s start with a common one that many of us still entertain:
I can’t.
"I can't succeed because I don't have enough experience."
"I can't change careers at my age."
"I can't start a business without a lot of money."
"I can't lose weight because I’ve always struggled with it."
"I can't pursue my passion because it’s too risky."
Now ask yourself,
Is this thought 100% true, with NO other possibilities?
Does this thought make me feel happier when I think it?
Does this thought encourage or empower me?
Do I want to keep telling myself this forever?
Will it make me a better person if I do?
If you can’t answer “YES” to these questions, ask yourself…
“If this belief doesn’t serve me, why do I keep choosing it?”
Because it is a choice.
I told myself for years that I couldn’t control my thoughts, so you might still be doing the same.
If so, I hope you’ll realize that by noticing these thoughts, you’re becoming aware of your brain’s habits.
And it’s not a “bad habit” if you know that you do it—it’s a choice.
The next time one of these limiting beliefs pops into your head, I want you to notice it and think to yourself,
“I don’t have to choose to believe this.
I can notice that this thought is there, and choose to believe something different.”
Even if you don’t always feel confident, you can still choose words that feel empowering instead of degrading yourself with negative self-talk.
She/he made me feel guilty. 👎🏼
I noticed myself feeling guilty when this happened. 👍🏼
I wouldn’t trust myself to… 😩
I haven’t held myself accountable to this in the past.😀
I can’t…❌
I have a hard time believing that I could…✅
With my luck, [insert negative outcome] will happen.😡
I’m assuming the negative outcome will happen.🙂
It’s not my fault. It’s because of…👎🏼
I may not have control over everything that happens, but I’m responsible for how I respond and what I do next.👍🏼

There’s something you want in life—something that you’re working toward. And as soon as you learn how to control that thing between your ears, you’ll probably find that your goals start to really happen.
Because you’ll realize that your shitty mindset was stopping you from making it happen.
For me, it’s been the biggest mental change I’ve ever made.

If you’re committed to
working for yourself
AND progressing in fitness,
we’ve just launched our inspired idiots community
to help people like you
network and figure out
exactly how to actually make that happen.

Dawn makes a comeback!