One year of sales calls — 3 biggest lessons.

How learning sales skills will transform what you do.

If you’re reading this, you probably want more than the typical 9-5 lifestyle.

Whether you're dreaming of building your own empire or just a side hustle, getting good at sales will be a game changer.

So, if you want to be your own boss but hate the idea of doing sales, keep reading.

“The key to great sales is not to convince people to buy something, but to find a way to help them.”

Mark Cuban

In other words, honing your sales skills will force you to communicate better, so you can actually help people get what they want out of life.

After hitting my one-year anniversary of doing sales calls, I’ve compiled the three biggest takeaways I’ve learned about selling.

I hope this helps you on your entrepreneurial journey.

“A salesperson tells a good salesperson explains, and a great salesperson demonstrates.” - Harvey Mackay
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  1. If you can’t be transparent about it, don’t sell it.

  2. Use free trials and testimonials to make people believe in your offer, and honesty to help them believe in themselves.

  3. Talk to each person like they’re your best friend.

WHY IT WORKS - inspired idiots


If you’re worried about being “salesy” — then you don’t have conviction in what you do.

Imagine this.

You have the chance to make your family wealthy by becoming a great salesperson, and you can choose between…
1: selling a product that you know very little about.
2: selling a product you’ve used, had a good experience with, AND you’ve seen it work for other people too.

You’d probably choose the second option. But why exactly?

For me, the answer is simple: because I could talk about it honestly.

I wouldn’t feel like I’m trying to convince people that it works — I’d simply talk about what I know.
Why I used it, how it solved my problem, and who else I’ve seen benefit from it.

Feeling “salesy” happens when you’re trying to convince someone to do something that you wouldn’t do.

But if you’re simply talking about something that you genuinely know is awesome, and you want to help other people experience that awesomeness — you never feel “salesy.”

Once you find what you’re passionate about, you'll feel really fucking proud to help others get it too.

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” - Warren Buffett


What do you think is the most common objection buyers have?

If you said price, you’d be right — sort of.

If price is the deterrent for someone, the real problem is one of two things:
1. they doubt the value
2. they doubt themselves.

Doubt of value happens when someone doesn’t understand why your offer is actually worth its price. Hence why conviction is so important. You have to explain exactly how it’ll benefit them.

When people truly see the value in something, they become very resourceful at finding the money for it.

Alex Hormozi’s Lambo analogy is a great example:

If someone offered to sell you their Lamborghini for $3,000 — you’d probably find the money.
Maybe you’d text family members, pull from your savings, or head down to a pawn shop.

See what I’m getting at? Your clients will find the money if they see the value.

Now, if you have conviction in what you’re selling, you’re more likely to run into...

Doubt of self: This person does not believe that your offer will work for them.

See, a lot of people talk about how they want to be their own boss or have more time freedom — but when given the chance to make it happen, they recoil. Why?

Because they don’t really believe that it’s actually attainable for them. It’s still just a daydream that they haven’t committed to.

This, in my opinion, is the really magical part of sales.

You might be the first person ever to make this person believe in themselves. This leads us to…


Talk to someone like a best friend, and be willing to call them out.

I remember hearing Dan Lok say in one of this videos,
“Prospects will lie to you all the time.”

I didn’t want to believe it. It seems pessimistic to assume everyone’s bullshitting me…

But I’ve realized that they’re not necessarily lying to you…
they’re lying to themselves, and you’re just noticing it.

I’ve had people tell me their dreams of earning $30,000 / month and retiring their spouse.
But when it’s time to start making that happen, the excuses come out.
My personal favourite: “I don’t have time.”

When someone says they don’t have time to build their dream, I imagine them as my best friend coming to me for advice.

I’d say something like,
“If this were a real priority for you, you’d find the time. It sounds like you don’t believe you could really do this.”

Many of us wish our lives were different, but we’re so scared to fail that we never even try. And when you talk to someone who tells you this, you’re helping them out more by calling them out on it.

Personally, I’d rather end a conversation honestly, even if it means losing the sale, than sugarcoat things because I’m afraid to say what we both know is true.

“We have to be honest about what we want and take risks rather than lie to ourselves and make excuses to stay in our comfort zones.” - Roy Bennett
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Working on your sales skills will make you undeniably better at any business you choose to build.

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