Try this with me if you need a mental reset

5 questions that changed Sahil Bloom's life

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Do you run on autopilot sometimes?

You’re constantly busy, like there aren’t enough hours in the day, and yet you don’t feel excited to wake up in the morning.

I’ve been struggling with this a bit lately.

My days are getting busier. One task followed by another. Then I’m back in bed.

So, this feels like a perfect time to reflect on if all my “busyness” is really working for me.

If you've ever felt like your day is a blur of endless tasks with no room to breathe, this one’s for you. Welcome to Inspired Idiots.


“Becoming successful means being busier.”

Maybe it’s just me, but I think we all fool ourselves into believing that busy is better.

Every day must be filled with work, helping others, and constant doing.

But that mindset leaves us burnt out and blind to what truly matters.

Think about it. If you never pause and give yourself space to reflect on your life, how can you guide it in the direction you want it to go?

This is going to help you do that.

Sahil Bloom (one of my favorite writers) created this monthly ritual, the Think Day, which he says changed his life.


Choose a day this week to carve out a couple hours for this exercise. This is your YOU time, and you are worth this time.

Separate yourself from your normal environments. Bring a journal, pen, and open mind. Shut off all your devices.

The goal is to spend the time thinking and journaling. By doing this, you create the free time to zoom out, open your mind, and think creatively about the bigger picture.

Here are 5 questions to start with:

  1. If I repeated my current typical day for one hundred days, would my life be better or worse?

    How would your actions from a typical day compound in your life? Would they be driving you forward in the direction of your goals and vision? Would they be steering you off course?

  2. If someone observed my actions for a week, what would they say my priorities are?

    There are two types of priorities in life:

    • The priorities you say you have

    • The priorities your actions show you have

    For many of us, there’s a gap between 1 and 2. The goal is to identify the gap and adjust our actions to close it.

  3. If I were the main character in a movie of my life, what would the audience be screaming at me to do right now?

    What is it? What’s obvious from the outside that you’re too zoomed in to see?

  4. Am I hunting antelope or chasing field mice?

    Antelope are the big, important problems. Field mice are the tiny, urgent ones.

    Are you focusing on the big important tasks that provide sufficient reward for your energy? Or are you too busy chasing tiny wins that won't move the needle?

  5. What are my strongest beliefs and what would it take for me to change my mind on them?

    The most successful people embrace new information as "software updates" to their brain.

    What new information would be required to change your mind on your most strongly held beliefs?

If I were the main character in a movie of my life, what would the audience be screaming at me to do right now?


We live in a speed-obsessed world.

That go go go mentality might make you feel like you’re getting everything done, but remember there’s a difference between being busy and being fulfilled.

What you’re doing with this exercise is creating space, which allows you to:

  • Restore energy

  • Notice things you missed

  • Be more deliberate with your actions

  • Focus on the highest-leverage opportunities

The Think Day is your YOU time to reconnect with the life you want to live.


You’re never wasting time by focusing on you—you’re investing it.

So, if you’re ready to break the “I don’t have time” trap, try a Think Day this month.

PS: This is an excerpt derived from the Mental Wealth section of Sahil’s brand new book, The 5 Types of Wealth.

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