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- Can you honestly answer these about YOU?
Can you honestly answer these about YOU?
25 questions that will redefine your life's path
The 25 questions that will change the rest of your life — if you let them.
If you haven’t heard of Patrick Bet-David, let me give you a quick rundown.
This guy was born into a poor family, raised in Iran where bombs often went off near his house, and barely graduated high school.
At age 30, he founded PHP Agency—an insurance marketing organization—and grew it to over 40,000 employees.
Today, Patrick’s net worth is over $450 million.
Below are the questions that Patrick says took him from an “average person” and made him change his life.
He now gets every entrepreneur that he advises to go through these 25 questions, which he calls the Personal Identity Audit.
How do you think the world views you?
How do you view yourself?
How is the “public you” different from the “private you” ?
What conditions produce the BEST VERSION OF YOU? (The version of you who competes and gets the highest results).
Fear of loss
A setback
A victory
Having someone believe in you
A point to prove
Name a 90-day period of your career during which you were the hungriest to succeed. What drove you?
How do you handle a public loss?
Do you feel you’re entitled to things without earning them?
How difficult of a personality do you have?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very easygoing
Do you have a tendency of blaming others for your lack of effort or discipline? If yes, why?
Do you get along with people like yourself or can there only be one of you in the room?
Who do you speak to the most when you’re losing?
People ahead of you
People at the same level as you
People not yet at your level
No one
Who are you secretly most envious of? How is your relationship with that person? How much envy is due to you not wanting to do the work that the other person is willing to do?
What type of people annoy you the most? Why?
What type of people do you like the most? Why?
Who do you collaborate with the most?
What qualities and traits do you admire most in others?
How do you handle pressure?
How often do you challenge your own vision to help improve your perspective?
What brings out the worst side of you? Why?
What brings out the best side of you? Why?
What do you value most in business and in life?
What do you fear most in your line of business?
What accomplishment are you most proud of? Why?
Who do you want to be?
What kind of life do you want to live?
The key with this exercise is to treat it with respect. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to finish it, and you’re not aiming for any perfect score here. The only right answer is your most honest one.
The idea is to have a breakthrough.
The more emotional it is for you, the more the likelihood of it creating a breakthrough.
“All the disruptors, founders, leaders, and athletes you admire didn’t get there by luck. There was a moment (or many moments) when they were brutally honest with themselves.
It’s a private time when they face their vices, their fears, and their limiting beliefs that have been holding them back.”
If you’ve ever had the thought, “Why are so many people experiencing success and not me?”
that is a sign that you need to reconnect with your purpose.
Since Patrick posted the Personal Identity Audit on his website, more than 200,000 people from 130 countries have taken it.
The Benefits of Conducting a Personal Identity Audit:
Awareness shows you that you are at the center of all your problems (and solutions).
You realize that your problems can be fixed.
You crack your limiting beliefs.
By spotting patterns, you can end detrimental habits.
Your anger at others dies out once you see that no one but you controls your fate.
If you’re committed to the journey of…
growing every day
to become your ideal self
and making this life an exciting adventure
through business, fitness, and relationships
join other inspired idiots like you!
Dawn comes back
and found the hidden logo first again!
What a keen eye you have, Dawn!