I was homeless, what’s your excuse?

Embrace ‘no’ as a game and you’ll win!

I built a $50k / month business by cold calling mortgage brokers.

KALEEN COOPER — Dialling Success

I started my online business and quit my 9-5 job the same day — seriously.

And I’m not going to say it was a smart decision, I was broke pretty quickly and had to shack in with my sister, but it was the best decision I ever made.

I’d spent my whole life getting two masters degrees and then working hard to make other people richer.

But your life is a reflection of the choices that you make — and I’d chosen that lifestyle of stable income with no real freedom.

I’m good at talking to people and I understood marketing, so I joined the LMV program to learn how to do it for local businesses. I wanted to actually help people — and, yeah, I wanted to fly first class all around the world with my lady.

I learned the services, learned the script, and used the only thing I had that wouldn’t cost me extra money: my phone.

I called 200-250 small business owners a day to go from homeless to $50k per month.

I didn’t do anything special. I just grinded really hard.

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Step-by-Step Strategy

  1. Chose an industry I was interested in: real estate.

  2. Learned how to do lead generation for mortgage brokers.

  3. Used D7 Lead Finder to buy a list of mortgage broker leads.

  4. Called them up and said,
    This is Kaleen Cooper with IStrategy Net. I’m just giving you a quick call because we’ve been working with real estate brokers in your area, generating anywhere from 25-50 leads a month — and we had too much volume for them. So, I’m calling you to see if you can take more leads right now.

  5. If they were interested, I’d set up a time for a full call later that week.

  6. Booked the appointment, got off the phone, and called the next one.

Building your business is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t give up just because you got some NOs
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Everybody wants to be in the loop. If I tell someone that I work with a competitor who can’t handle the volume, they’re gonna want to know more.

If you seem like you know what you’re talking about, they’re gonna listen to you.

Cold calling works, but whether or not it’ll work for you is all about your mindset.

Don’t view a “no” as a rejection — see it as a game. Because it truly is a numbers game.

The more people I talk to, the more appointments I set, the more clients I get.

I just kept calling and eventually figured out that after so many NOs, I would get a YES.

I told myself that I was getting paid by the NOs!

When you seem positive, that comes across in your tone and you transfer that positive energy to the person you’re calling.

You are going to make a lot of calls in the beginning. But as you improve, you’ll get more out of less calls. And it only take one or two clients for that life-changing shift to start happening.

Making 200+ calls per day,
and closing 20% of the appointments I booked,
shot me from $0 to over $16k in a month!

Isn’t Everyone + Their Mom Doing Digital Marketing Today?

There are so many digital services that businesses need help with — and every person offering them is going to choose their focus.

I chose real estate because I’d been ripped off by a real estate agent and learned so much about the industry in the process.

If you choose something you have knowledge and/or interest in, and you learn how to solve a valuable problem, your business will work.

It’s going to work if you make it work.

When my son, Kenyan, saw the income I was bringing in, he came on with me.
On his very first cold call, the person said to him, “Never call my office again, you sound like a canned robot.”

I didn’t have to convince him to pick up the phone and keep going. We were both determined. He quickly went from “canned robot” to setting 5-10 appointments per day!

At 20 years old, he brought in $11,096 in one day!

Competition within your industry is not what’s going to stop you. The only thing that might is your mindset.

That’s the biggest game-changer.

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How to Price Yourself

When I was brand new at this, I’d offer a free trial so I could prove my value to people and then close them on a monthly service.

When you’re figuring out your offer and pricing, ask yourself,

“How many clients do I want to deal with at once?”

Would you rather have 100 clients paying you $97 / month, or 10 clients paying you $997 / month?

Personally, I’d rather charge higher prices and get better value for my clients.

The lower your costs, the less you value your time — and time is your only resource that you’ll never get back.

Today, we have three packaged services we offer: $699, $1499, and $2599.

Tools + Costs to Run the Biz

A big reason why I chose to do cold-calling: it’s free.

Everyone has a phone sitting next to them — why not use it to build wealth?

I’ve also been using GHL since I started this in 2018, because I can use it to track everything — my calls, my sales, my ad campaigns.

Go High Level

$197 / month

I never believed that personal development worked... and that was my biggest problem.
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How to Get Clients

Remember this about calling people: asKING.

The person who’s asking the questions is “king” of the call — they have the control.

The reason I could bang out hundreds of calls in a day is because I was direct. I was strong with my message, I asked the questions, booked the follow-up call, and got off.

The first time you talk to someone who seems interested, you’re gonna want to word vomit all over them — don’t.

Ask the questions, then set up a second call.
This gives you time to collect yourself, do a little more research on their business, and come back strong with more good questions.

Plus, when you’re calling people out of the blue, you might be catching them at a bad time. They might be having a bad day. So, even if they seem interested, keep it brief.

And if they say no, put them on a list to call back later.

I can’t even tell you how many people told me “no” at first, only to say “yes” when I called them back two days later.

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Productivity Hack to Not Quit

This is all a mental game. Your brain is going to focus on what you CAN’T do 90% of the time.

“I’m tired.”
“I don’t want to get up.”
“20 phone calls today is enough.”

Having an “I’m gonna do this” mindset is what will propel you forward. And if you combine that with some learning and some grinding — you will be unstoppable.

Read personal development books, listen to motivational speeches on Spotify, and stop hanging around negative people.

I’ve cut a lot of people out of my life because they weren’t appreciative or respectful of what I was trying to build.

I know what I want. I finally have my goals. Not everybody in my life is going to cheer me on — and that’s okay. I wish them the best, but I’m going my way.

Your mindset is everything — start taking it seriously.

One Weird Wealth Habit

Prioritize good fits over money.

I know — just go with me here.

If you take on clients who aren’t a good fit for you, you’ll start to dislike working. If someone is disrespectful or overly skeptical of you from the start, they’ll probably be a pain in your ass.

Find people who want your service and are excited to work with you. Those are the people you will really try for — and your results will speak for themselves.

I’ve turned down $7k deals because we weren’t a good fit — and I’m where I am today because of that mindset.

First thing I do in the morning: get my mind right by reading books from people like Grant Cardone.
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For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

  1. Read “Take the Stairs” by Rory Vaden to start getting your mindset in check.

  2. The only resource you’ll never get back is your time. So, control what you spend your time on, and the money will come.

  3. Don’t underestimate the value of a community. The reason why so many people join business programs is so they can have access to very successful people. I had an accountability partner in LMV — and that’s what kept me going.

Find Kaleen’s BONUS advice in our end-of-month issue, where we’ll compare it to two others to give YOU the top takeaways!

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