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- Choose your hard: get what you want or lie to yourself
Choose your hard: get what you want or lie to yourself
You’re at a fork in your road.
You’re at a fork in your road.
One path leads to the life you want, the other leads to what you settle for.
Both paths come with challenges.
Which way do you go?
“Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional” is a Buddhist saying that nicely supports today’s point:
Getting what you want in life takes work — otherwise everyone would be rich, fit, and in love. But NOT getting what you want is work too, because you’ll work through a life of dissatisfaction.
You will struggle whether you accomplish your dreams or not — so you might as well choose the struggle that accomplishes them!
EX: Maybe one of your goals in life is to be fit. You want to be physically awesome
to move freely
have lots of energy
feel sexy naked.
Some would call this “hard” because it takes consistent effort. You have to keep your commitment to that goal every single day — no matter how busy life gets.
Those same people probably think it’s “easier” to not do that.
Skip the effort of daily gym sessions and thinking about your food choices.
Trade feeling energized for feeling sluggish.
Trade results for excuses.
See where I’m going with this?
Either way, you’re going to struggle every day. You’ll put in the effort to either have the body you want, or to make excuses on why you don’t have it.
Both are hard, but only one weighs on you.
So, choose: daily effort or daily disappointment?

Aim low. If you find it hard to accomplish a certain goal every day, cut that goal in half.
It’s been two years since you consistently hit the gym for 1 hour 6x week? Awesome. Make your goal 30 minutes 3x per week.Step small. Break down every single goal into smaller, manageable tasks.
This multi-millionaire sets one big goal per year then breaks that down into monthly goals, then weekly, then small daily tasks. That’s how you make shit happen.Always be stepping. Just because you tripped yesterday doesn’t mean you stay standing there today.
You missed Monday’s workout? Cool. Go today. Stand back up.

You’re not lazy. You’re not stupid. You know what you need to do to get your life moving in the direction you want.
You’re just lying to yourself about what you can do.
You’re setting your bar high, not reaching it, and then shrugging that “I guess I can’t have that” shrug.
Bring that bar down to where you can reach it. That’s how you pull yourself up up UP.
“Someone might say, ‘I don’t know how to start improving my life,’
and I would say, ‘Well, you’re not aiming low enough.’
There’s something you could do that you’re regarding as trivial that would result in an actual improvement. But it’s not a big enough improvement for you, so you won’t lower yourself enough to do it.”
Whatever you’re trying to achieve, don’t set yourself a bar so high that it’s impossible for you to attain it.
Look where you’re at right now and set the bar where it’s going to challenge your current level of skill, but gives you a realistic chance of success.
Fit people don’t become fit in a week. Billionaires aren’t made overnight. Madly-in-love couples don’t live in a world of rose petals.
They take the small actions every single day to make progress on their goals. They struggle every day to become who they want to be.
When you keep setting goals and meeting them, you will keep levelling up in this game called life.

True confidence comes from knowing, deep down, that you CAN.
You can walk around in a body that you feel sexy in.
You can learn online business and become your own boss.
You can have everything you want out of life.
You can choose the struggle of action instead of the struggle of excuses.
Because when you become someone that you’re genuinely proud of, life seriously opens up.

So, which way are you gonna go?
You choose the “hard” of growth and adventure and excitement
or the hard of resentment and bitterness and blame.
If both journeys are hard — why not take the path that leads to the WIN at the end?

If you’re committed to the journey of…
being in the best shape of your life
earning more money in better ways, and
having meaningful relationships
join others like you in our community!

Shouting out our girl, Jesse, this week!
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