How to master mindset and upgrade your mind.

Are you stuck at Level 1 thoughts?

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

You’ve probably all heard this quote before. My goal is that after reading this, you’ll recognize how mind-altering—and life-changing—these words are.

If you’re working on becoming the version of yourself that you’ve always wanted to be, start paying attention to the thoughts and words you choose.

Your words can tell you a lot about yourself—and where you have room to grow.


Think of someone you know who often talks about other people.

Whether it’s judgmental gossip or just idle chitchat — they seem to talk about other people’s lives more than their own.

Whoever this person is, I want you to now ask yourself:
“Is this person the happiest person I know?”
I can pretty much guarantee that your answer is no.


Because those who focus on what’s going on in other people’s lives are usually the people who are the least fulfilled in their own.

Perfect example: social media trolls.
When I see someone leave a negative comment on someone else’s post, my immediate thought is:
“Damn, this person must be really unhappy in their life right now.”

I am 100% convinced that the truly happy people in this world do not spend one second of their time trying to bring someone else down.

Because when you feel like your life has a purpose, and you’re working on making yourself—and this world—better, that shit lifts you up. And suddenly what everyone else chooses to do with their lives does not matter to you anymore.

So, how do we get there?
You start levelling up the words that you choose daily.

Your words shape your world. If you want to change your life, start changing what you talk about.
inspired idiots WHY IT WORKS
Want to master your mindset? Upgrade your thoughts. Grow from talking about people, to talkng about events, to talking about ideas, to talking about actions.

Think about your thoughts and words like steps on a staircase to building your happiest life.

Level 1 — where many of us get stuck for years, is talking about other people.

  • When you spend your time thinking and talking about how other people are living their lives, you’re spending your energy on distractions that do nothing for your own growth or happiness.

Level 2 — talking about events.

  • While discussing events can feel more positive than gossiping about other people’s personal lives, it still usually focuses on external things that don’t directly impact your life and your happiness or growth.

Level 3 — talking about ideas.

  • When you’re talking shit about what other people have done, you’re just joining in on the problem. But when you’re using that mental energy to focus on what could be done, now you’re potentially becoming the solution.

  • Talking about ideas stimulates intellectual growth, inspires creativity, and creates connection with others who share your vision for making a positive impact.

BONUS Level 4 — talking about actions to get there.

  • This takes talking about ideas to a whole other level. It moves you from dreaming to actually making those dreams come true. It’s about planning, executing, and continually improving your approach to make your vision become your reality.

  • This level of conversation turns aspirations into achievements and creates real progress in your personal and professional life.

Have you ever heard of someone who says things like
What can I learn from this?”
and who also comments insults on other people’s posts?

Probably not. Because the people focused on improving themselves and making this world better have levelled up from that place.

strategy inspired idiots

1. Start paying attention to your daily words.

Spend a few minutes at the end of every day thinking about your conversations.
Did you talk mostly about other people, events, ideas, or actions?

If you’re someone who’s never really been “into” journalling, this is an excellent place to start. No ‘Dear Diary’ needed…

You don’t need to judge yourself for your thoughts, just notice the pattern of them.

Simply grab a notebook, and start the sentence with something like,
“I noticed that today I talked more about other people than I did about ideas for my own life. I’m going to work on this more tomorrow.”

If you want to step up, you need to acknowledge where you’re standing now.

2. Set conversation goals

If you’ve committed to moving away from gossip and wasting your life by focusing on other people, then remind yourself of that right before you start a conversation.

  • If you’re going to lunch with someone who you’ve always gossiped with, just be honest with them. Say that you’re trying to focus on improving your life and have committed to not talking about someone who’s not in the room with you.

  • Set your intention to talking about what’s going on in your life, how things have been progressing for you, and ideas you have about your future.

  • Ask deeper questions. Have you ever had an amazing conversation with someone where you laughed and connected and left feeling like you really bonded? That connection happens when you’re not afraid to ask deeper questions.

Which sounds like a more stimulating conversation to you:
“Did you hear that [insert couple] broke up?”
“What’s the most challenging thing you’ve overcome recently?”

3. Surround yourself with growth-minded people

Ever heard the phrase,“You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with”? Well—it’s true for the thoughts you entertain too.

If you hang out with people who like to gossip and complain and blame — chances are, you’ll also be that way.

But when you start spending your time with happy people who are excited about where their life is going and how they’re moving forward, you’ll start to adopt those habits.

If you’ve got a friend who seems to celebrate other people’s successes and tries to help you move forward, start spending more time with that friend.

If you don’t, find a free community on Facebook or Skool of people with the same goals and priorities as you.

Forming connections with people who uplift and inspire you will help you keep taking that next step up.

inspired idiots TAKEAWAY
“ Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny. ” – Lao Tzu.

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growing every day
to become your ideal self
and making this life an exciting adventure
through business, fitness, and relationships
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